Thursday 22 August 2024


By: Amb. Valentine Adese (JP),

The hearing of Suit No: PLD/J322/2024, filed by Hon. Esward Pwajok (SAN) against Mr James Nyango, over alleged libellous publications on his Facebook page on the 16th of January 2024 is coming up in the next 28 days, at the Plateau State High Court.

You would recall that REALITY had reported that the hearing of the suit has been fixed for 19th day of September 2024, at the Plateau State High Court Jos.

On the face of the Suit, Edward G. Pwajok (SAN) is claiming, but not limited to the following below:

1.      A declaration that the following words: “just look as how the man went on deceiving plateau people that any vote for PDP is a wasted vote because PDP did not pick him as deputy governor I 2023. Many people believing his lies and were clapping for him because his is a SAND, no, I meant SAN. His brother boasted that whatever his SAND, I mean SAN brother said was true and would definitely come to fruition…” written and posted by the Defendant on his Facebook page on the 16th of January 2024 while referring to the Claimant having also posted his picture are libellous, reckless and defamatory to the person of the Claimant.

2.      An order of Perpetual Injunction restraining the Defendant, his agents, privies or anybody howsoever described from writing, publishing or authoring further publications or write ups in the print or electronic media (notwithstanding the platform) which are libellous, derogatory and defamatory against the Claimant.

3.      An order directing the Defendant to forthwith withdraw the said libellous post stated above and tender an unreserved public apology to the Claimant to be published via the same social media platform (Facebook), a full page publication in Two National Dailies (Newspapers) circulating within Plateau State (any Two of the Punch, The Nation, Daily Trust, This Day, The Guardian, Tribune, The Sun, Vanguard) and broadcast on Two Radio Stations transmitting within Jos Metropolis and its environs.

4.      An Order directing the Defendant to pay the sum of N250, 000, 000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Million Naira) only, as general damage to the Claimant for the libellous words contained in the Defendant’s write up posted on his Facebook page on the 16th day of January 2024, which has defamed and damaged the reputation, dignity, and integrity of the Claimant in the eyes of the right-thinking members of the society.

5.      Cost of this action.      

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